What can I expect at my first visit?
Don't worry, we like to warm things up by getting to know you, your medical history, and the physical goals you wish to achieve and/or pains you wish to alleviate. Expect a little bit of paperwork that allows us to better understand you and what has been compromising your current health goals.
This first visit will more than likely be your longest with the doctor, lasting between 30 minutes and an hour. With a full understanding of your body, your goals, and what makes you move, we'll be able to move forward with creating a regimen that is adaptable to your lifestyle. Expect to see us again once more in the coming week to check on how well your adjustment held, but after that, barring a significant change, you'll only need to see the doctor anywhere from once a month to once every two months as preventive measures are the best fix for any problem!
Does AHCC do massage therapy?
Yes we do! We offer more than just chiropractic care. In order to maintain your body's needs we offer massage therapy as an additional service. We offer half hour to 2 hour long massages to help relieve tension and stress that accumulates in the mind and body. Our certified, wonderful massage therapists are top of line and will help soothe your aches and pains with accuracy and care.
All it takes is for you to make the first step. Take the time to call in and schedule an appointment and we'll add you to our appointments list right away. We look forward to meeting you!
Will my insurance cover me?
It really depends on your individual insurance, but most of the time it does. We accept the majority of insurance companies (including but not limited to: Blue Cross, Priority Health, ASR, all forms of Medicaid, Physicians Care). If you are unsure and would like to double check your coverage with us, feel free to give us a call or just stop in. Make an appointment to schedule a time and fill out the appropriate paperwork before coming in to help you save time!
Why AHCC and Dr. Seales?
Nowhere else will you find a doctor and supporting staff that are so friendly, caring, and professional, who are backed by a strong reputation to heal the body with accuracy and care. As one of the longest standing chiropractors in west Michigan, built entirely on referral, you know you'll be seeing one of the most experienced and knowledgeable doctors in the realm of caring for the human body's musculoskeletal system.
“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.”